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A Spiritual Exercise for Advent

New seasons of the year make for great occasions to try new things. Over the past few years at All Saints Anglican Church in Shreveport, I've offered a Bible Study I discovered from a clergy colleague more than two decades ago. I'd like to introduce it again as a Spiritual Exercise for this Advent Season.

The exercise is a Study of the Gospel According to John. It works like this:

Each day throughout Advent, read one (1) chapter per day of the Gospel According to John.

While reading, ask two (2) questions of the text:

  1. What does the biblical text say about the identity of Jesus Christ? Who is Jesus?

  2. What does the biblical text say about what Jesus has done for me?

Get a journal and record your responses to these two (2) questions. As you continue to read and reflect on the gospel text throughout the Advent Season, utilize your journal as a personal devotional guide as you are renewed in your understanding of Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe.

Scores of folks have utilized this personal study and have enjoyed great spiritual fruit in their lives.

May the Lord bless you this Advent Season as you seek Him.

Yours in Christ,



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