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All Saints and the Omicron Variant

Dear Friends in Christ,

This note comes with a prayer and hope that you and your family are all doing well.

Many of us, perhaps a majority of us, now find ourselves in a situation where a family member or a close friend has battled - or is currently battling - the effects of the Covid-19 virus.

While the recent omicron strain is highly contagious, thankfully it is also less severe than previous strains. Still, we all need to be vigilant in protecting one another from infection as best we can do so.

I wanted to offer some guidance for our faith community according to the latest CDC guidelines, which I received from my family physician. I believe these simple guidelines will help us do our part to keep everyone safe.

i. If you have mild covid symptoms, assume you have the virus and plan accordingly. The CDC recommends staying home or isolating for a period of 10 days and wearing a mask if you have contact with others.

While I rarely want to encourage any of you from missing our Divine Worship on Sunday mornings, it would be in everyone's best interest if you did not come to church if you have been diagnosed with Covid-19 or are showing mild symptoms.

ii. If you have been exposed to the virus, it is recommended you wear a mask for a period of 10 days when you have contact with others. Even though the Wall Street Journal recently posted a graphic showing the ineffectiveness of cloth masks against the omicron variant, wearing a mask is still a good policy for those who believe they may soon develop symptoms of the virus which may be spread to others.

iii. So, in summary, what should we do on Sunday mornings at All Saints Anglican Church?

- If you have the virus, stay home.

- If you either know you have been exposed to the virus, or believe you have likely been exposed to the virus, please wear a mask in church.

- If you have been fully vaccinated, do not have the virus and do not believe you have been recently exposed to the virus, wearing a mask is optional.

Please do not read this note as a formal policy statement from All Saints Anglican Church. Rather, receive it as it is intended: a plea for all of us to take the appropriate measures to care for one another by taking recommended precautions.

Thank you all in advance for your intentional care for one another. It is truly an honor to serve as your pastor and I fully trust the Lord to watch over His flock as we trust in His faithfulness.

Yours in Christ,



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