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2023 Annual Meeting Summary

Dear Friends in Christ,

It was a joy to worship together last Sunday, in spite of wet and threatening weather. I wanted to offer a summary of our Annual Meeting discussions for those who were not able to join us.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, their labor is in vain who build it. Unless the Lord keeps the city, the watchman keeps vigil in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early, and take rest so late, and eat the bread of toil, for he gives to his beloved sleep." ~ Psalm 127 vv. 1-3

The Lord has been remarkably faithful to All Saints Anglican Church (REC) ("ASAC") over the past few years in terms of the congregation's finances, numerical growth and spiritual depth.

Since the congregation decided to call a full-time Rector in June 2020, the church has grown in terms of membership, church attendance, Sunday school participation, number of pledging families, annual pledges, etc.

When I first came on board as ASAC's Rector, the congregation had 30 members, 23 pledging families and total annual pledges of roughly $44,000. The Average Sunday Attendance ("ASA") was 26 people with a total annual attendance of 850 people. At the time, there were no children attending Sunday School and no weekly ministry opportunities for anyone. Truly, the congregation functioned as a chapel based on a chaplaincy model of ministry.

Now, two-and-a-half years later, the Lord has blessed ASAC by every measure imaginable. The congregation now has 56 members, 34 pledging families and total annual pledges of $171,727. The ASA at the end of 2022 was 42 people with a total annual attendance of 2,156 people.

During this time of growth, we've seen the addition of Discipleship Groups for men, women and children. Wednesday evenings have become a source of light and life for the congregation as we've enjoyed classes on Church music, a Spiritual Gifts Class, the Alpha Course, The Prayer Course, a Devotional Classics Reading Group and a host of other opportunities for spiritual growth.

Since the summer of 2020, we've added a Transitional Deacon to our staff and a Director of Faith and Family Formation. When all of our families are present at the same time, our Sunday Morning Children's Ministry welcomes 19 children. We also added a website (, which has served as an effective means of communication for the congregation and for those seeking an Anglican church in the Shreveport-Bossier City areas. During 2022, our website received nearly 1,400 visits from people residing in 21 different countries.

Throughout all of this, the congregation's Net Assets increased by over $100,000 for a Total Asset base of $560,360. At Year-End 2022, the congregation's Total Income was $229,054 ($89,118 over budget) and Total Operating Expenses were $40,834 ($16,441 under budget). With Total Salaries and Benefits of $163,575, the church realized a Net Surplus of $20,965.

So, in summary, ASAC continues to enjoy a positive trend of growth in each important area of ministry. Thanks be to God!

In terms of Vestry Elections, the congregation elected Steven LeGendre and Jeri Mazur to serve 3-year terms, while Mike Nader and Dr. Beth Russell were elected to serve a 1-year and a 2-year term, respectively.

Dr. Beth Russell will serve as the Senior Warden (or Rector's Warden) and Steven LeGendre will serve as the Junior Warden (or People's Warden).

I will make hardcopies of the 2023 Annual Meeting Report available on the table at the back of the chapel on Sunday morning for those who desire to have one.

I want to extend a big THANK YOU to each one of you for your continued generous support of the various ministries at ASAC. Without the offering of your time, talent and treasure, ASAC would not enjoy the growth it is experiencing today.

May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you!

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Tony+


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